Trusted by over 10,000 auctions since 1940

Spring Equipment Auction at the Pound Auction Lot

Spring Equipment Auction

at the

Pound Auction Lot

Junction of US 141 & 64 in Pound, WI

FRIDAY,  APRIL  4th     Starts at 10:00

This is a LIVE Auction Plus Online Bidding at

15 Tractors

2 MAGNUMS from a Local Retiring Dairy

1993 Case IH 7150 MFD, triple Hyd, 42” Radials, Axle Duals, weights, New Paint, Rebuilt Powershift & Fresh Overhaul about 600 hours ago. 9200 Total Hours

1991 Case IH 7140 MFD, triple Hyd, 42” Radials, Axle Duals, weights & Overhauled Engine 11,000 hours

93 JD 7400 MFD w/ Cab, Powr-Quad, 42” tires, 741 Loader & 7200 hours

Impressive John Deere 3020 Diesel Powershift w/ factory wide front, good rubber & less than 2500 original hours!!!

JD 2640 diesel w/ 148 Hyd Loader

Case IH JX55 MFD with Canopy & less than 900 hours

Like New 2023 LS Tractor MT345E 45HP 4WD Compact diesel, 3pt, Hyd Loader & quick-attach—1 owner & only 200 hours!

2020 Kubota BX2680 Compact 4WD diesel w/ Hyd Loader, 3pt & only 75 Hours! New Holland TC30 30HP 4WD compact Diesel, 3pt, 7308 Hyd Loader & only 1,000 hours

Allis-Chalmers 7040 Diesel w/ Cab, powershift, 18.4R38 Radials, Duals & 6700 hours

Allis-Chalmers 7000 w/ Cab, Powershifrt & 3000 hours on Overhaul (8300 hrs total)

IH Farmall 766 Diesel open station, gear drive, wide front & 18.4-38 tires

IH 656 Gas Hydro Utility, 3pt & Hyd Loader, Same Tiger 100 MFD w/ Cab & 18.4-34 tires, Deutz 6206 air-cooled Diesel Utility

Skid Steers & Attachments

Like New 2023 CAT 236D3 2-speed skid steer, Cab, Air, Ride Control, Hi-Flow  & 650 hours

2019 John Deere 320G skid steer with Cab, Air, Heat, selectable Hand Controls & less than 2,000 hours

Gehl 4640E 2-speed diesel, Cab, 7900 hours & 78” bucket, Clark Bobcat M700 skid steer, Rhino SK60 5ft Brush Cutter, 60” Hyd Grapple fork, Pallet

Logging & Lifting

John Deere 450C Crawler-Loader w/ bucket & forks, John Deere 290D Tracked Harvester w/ Processor/stacker head

Gafner 5000 Iron Mule forwarder skidder, Ford diesel, 23.1-26 tires, Loader & Clam

Gafner 5000 Iron Mule forwarder skidder w/ Ford diesel, 23.1-26 tires, Loader & Clam

(2) Manitou MVT 1340L 8,000# lift 40ft reach Telehandlers 4x4 & Perkins diesel

2019 Yale Veracitor 50VX 5,000# LP forklift with Control Arm & 15k hours

2017 UniCarriers 40 4,000# LP, Solideal tires & side-shift

Forage & Harvesting

2013 New Holland FP240 Chopper w/ Metalert, Kernel Processor, 29P wide pickup &3PN 3R30” Corn Head, New Holland 900W hay head

(3) H&S 18ft Hyd-drive Rear Unload steel Forage Boxes on H&S 12ton 4 wheel gears (stored inside)

H&S 500 Super 16ft steel Chopper Box on 10ton, (2) Case IH 600 Blowers, New Holland 1431 13ft Hydroswing Discbine with Rubber rollers

Like New Kuhn GA4230T rotary rake 13'10" with walking tandems & Hyd lift- used on less than 400 Acres!

New Holland BR740A Silage Round Baler, IH 990 & 1190 Haybines

H&S 12-wheel Hi-Capacity Rake

Hesston 540 Round Baler w/ ejector, Gehl 9ft Haybine

Speed King 48ft Elevator w/ PTO & motor

Skeleton type Elevator on transport

BearCat & John Deere 6ft green choppers

New Idea 324 2row Corn Picker w/ 12-roll bed, Gravity Box on gear

2005 Drago Olimac 8R30” chopping Corn Head, Head Cart

JD 635F HydraFlex w/ full-finger auger, JD 444 Corn Head, JD Pickup head

Tillage & Planting

Like New Rite-Way F3-36ft Land Roller w/ hyd fold wheels & Super-low Acres

JD 2700 5 shank 30” Disk/Ripper w/ rear coulters, Case IH 3950 25ft rock-flex Disk, DMI Tigermate II 34ft Field Cultivator

Krause 1580 Offset Disk

Precision Planting 3200 Field Finisher, Wil-Rich 24ft Field Cultivator, 25ft Cart Drag

JD 7000 4row Planter w/ dry fertilizer, UM 235 Gravity Box plus extensions and tarp & 2yr old Hyd Fertilizer auger

Brillion 10ft Sure Stand Cultipacker/Seeder w/ Hyd transport

IH 510 10ft Grain Drill w/ grass, JD 2500 4 bottom SAR plow

Oliver 4 bottom semi-mount Plow, 3 bottom Pickup Plow, Allis snap-coupler 2 bottom Plow, 3pt Weeder, JD 8ft Grain Drill

Brillion 8ft Cultipacker, JD 400 15ft Rotary Hoe, 4RW Cultivator, Walsh sprayer

Other Machinery, Tools & Farm Items

160 4x5ft Round Bales of Straw, 200+ 4x5ft Net-wrapped Round Bales of Hay

Landoll-Brillion 15ft Stalk Chopper

Kuhn-Knight 8124 Slinger Spreader

New Idea 3732 Box Spreader

New Holland355 Feed Grinder/Mixer

Johnson Calf Feed-R-Meter, 3pt 7ft Snowblower, 5ft Blade, Posthole Digger, 3pt finish mower, Honda hot power washer, Cement Mixer, New Poulan chainsaw

Brand New Ritchie CM 10T heated water fountain w/ Stainless pan for Freestall Barn, Mounted 18.4-34 tires, 28L-26 mounted tires, 425/65R22.5 mounted tires, Loyal flite conveyor, Wood Crane Mats, 3 silo funnel chutes, Farm motors, Valmetal Hammermill w/ screens

Trucks, Trailers & Recreation

98 Wilson 40ft Hopper bottom Trailer w/ air ride

86 IH 1954 Grain Truck w/ 466, 20ft Box, Scissor-Hoist & 70k miles

2001 IH 4700 Service truck w/ 466 diesel & big tool body

2013 Ford F250 Super Duty Crew Cab 4x4 w/ 6.7 Power Stroke & new tires, 2013 Delta Gooseneck 30ft tandem dually Flatbed Trailer

Like New Lamar 83x18ft tandem Utility Trailer

2018 Quality Steel 14ft tandem Dump Trailer w/ ramps & rolltarp, Tandem Car Hauler w/ winch

91 Redi-Haul 25ft Flatbed Trailer w/ lowboy tires & air brakes, (2) 20ft White Oak Flat Racks on heavy gears

Can-Am HD10 Defender 4-seat UTV, Cab & only 2800 miles

Club Car CarryAll UTV, Kubota diesel, front Lift, bucket, forks & plow, 2018 Polaris Sportsman 570 EFI 4x4 ATV, 2016 CanAm 450 ATV, 2011 Polaris 500 ATV

Toro 60” Zero-Turn Mower, Kohler 25HP & 400 hours, JD 265 mower, Alum Fishing Boat w/ Trailer, Mercury 40HP boat motor, 8, 9.8 & 10HP outboards & Other Miscellaneous Items Too Numerous to Mention. This will be a Nice Auction! Plan Now to Attend

 Terms on Live Auction: Cash or Good Check with Proper ID. Please bring a Bank Letter of Credit for large checks. Registered WI Auction Company #480 Col. Leonard Yoap, Registered WI Auctioneer #339

YOAP & YOAP Auction & Real Estate      (920) 604-1704

11149 Ledge Lane, Coleman, WI 54112